Two days ago, my husband and I were watching TV, just flipping channels and we came across the Bill O'Reilly segment on Fox News. The show had just started and they were discussing an illegal immigrant in Virginia Beach who drove drunk, crashed into another car (rear ended) and killed two teenage best friends. Geraldo Rivera was the guest pundit speaker.. and in cased you missed it, here it is in all it's glory on You Tube . The argument became quite heated with lots of table poundin...
Twenty four years ago, I stood in front of a comic book stand inside a flower shop in Loudon, Tennessee while my mother ordered flowers for Memorial day. The flowers were to commemorate my grandparents’ graves in a small graveyard. I, however, was much more focused on the “Tales from the Crypt” and whether or not the Red Skeleton guy would actually defeat Spiderman in this particular issue. These comics were packed three in a loose bag, perfect for the disdaining parent to placate their re...
I work in a medical clinic under the umbrella of a state University. In the clerical/insurance/appointments side of a medical clinic, so in other words.. I'm the lady you see when you walk in and tell her you have an appointment. My particular clinic is very small, so I do it all with my counterpart who sits three feet away from me. We ARE the phone triage, the appointments desk, the database reports people, the medical records, the chart prepper, and the insurance information taker. I ...